Here’s a refined description for your animated film "Sara":
"Sara" is a short animated film that explores the themes of childhood friendships and the bittersweet process of letting go of the past. Initially created as a submission for the annual "classic clip" competition in Kassel, the film began with a straightforward interpretation of the music. However, after re-evaluating the project, I decided to start anew, aiming for a more personal and introspective approach. The film abandons a clear narrative in favor of a collection of small, significant moments from my own memories—each moment open to personal interpretation by the viewer. The melancholic sweetness of the music serves as a poignant backdrop, capturing the nostalgic and fleeting nature of childhood and teenage experiences. Through this personal lens, "Sara" reflects a universal theme of letting go and the emotions tied to memories of the past.
It won the first prize at the classic clip competition Kassel, Germany in 2016.

Kasseler Dokfest 2016
KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival 2016
MONSTRA | Lisbon Animated Film Festival 2017
Platzhirsch Festival Duisburg OINK! Autokino 2019

Design | Concept | Animation - Maren Wiese
Music - Ragna Schirmer - Concerto B-Dur op. 7,1 by Georg Friedrich Händel
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