I created animated visuals for the stage play "Ordnung", written by Gesa Bering and Stephan Dorn. This theatrical essay explores the concept of holistic order, posing profound questions: Can the world be archived completely, without omissions? Can history be retold in its entirety—not just the version penned by victors? Can all phenomena, ideologies, philosophies, religions, sciences, and arts be encapsulated between two book covers?
My animated visuals were seamlessly integrated into the production, projected onto the stage's central set—a small glass house—through mapping technology. These animations brought dynamic life to the play's themes, complementing its exploration of order and chaos.
Concept | Direction | Performance | Text - Gesa Bering and Stephan Dorn
Stage Design | Costume Design - Annatina Huwiler
Animation | Graphics - Maren Wiese
Mapping - Jost von Harleßem