“jeijay” is a short stop-motion film and the second collaboration with filmmaker Petra Stipetic. The film begins where most romantic movies end, exploring the slow and inevitable decay of a relationship between two people. Trapped in their isolated home, they struggle to repress the diminishing happiness in their love life. The profound melancholia of the subject is captured through everyday moments that gradually unravel into dreamlike sequences. This introspective narrative beautifully illustrates the complexities of love and the passage of time.
The film has been awarded the "Prädikat besonders wertvoll" by the official German film and media rating agency, recognizing its artistic excellence and depth.
33. Filmfest Dresden - Nationaler Wettbewerb (GER) 2021, Lichter Filmfest Frankfurt 2021 (GER), FISH Festival 2021 (GER), ITFS - Internationales Trickfilmfest Stuttgart - Young Animation (GER) 2021, MONSTRA Festival of Animation Lisbon 2021 (PRT), Animafest Zagreb 2021 (CRO), BLON Animation and Games Festival 2021 (LT), Festival of Animation Berlin 2021 (GER), 17th Monterrey Int. Film Festival 2021 (MEX), Encounters Film Festival 2021 (UK), Festival Stop Motion Montréal (CAN), Cardiff Animation 2021 (CAN), Porto Femme Int. Film Festival 2021 (POR), Dokfest Kassel 2021 (GER), Animateka 2021 (SLO), Tricky Women (A), Cannes Shorts 2022 (FR)
Goldener Reiter der Jugendjury - National Competition (33. Filmfest Dresden 2021)
PEER RABEN MUSIC AWARD 2021 - Special Mention
Cannes Shorts 2022 - Best Animation Film (FR)
Concept/Direction/Animation - Maren Wiese and Petra Stipetic
Sounddesign - Christian Wittmoser
Music - Thomas Höhl
funded by Hessen Film und Medien our startnext supporters